Facts About Professional Poker Players You Probably Didn’t Know


Did you know that professional poker players make a lot of money? In fact, according to a post at mmc33, in 2017, the top 10 earners in poker made a total of $22.7 million. That’s a lot of money. But how do they make so much? And what kind of lifestyle do they lead? And most importantly, what can you learn from them? In today’s post, we will discuss some interesting facts about professional poker players that you probably didn’t know. Stay tuned to learn more.

Many Professional Poker Players Started Playing at a Young Age


It’s not uncommon for professional poker players to have started playing poker at a young age. Some of the best and most successful players in the game today started playing as early as 8 or 9 years old. This includes the likes of Phil Ivey, Patrik Antonius, Joe Cada, and John Juanda. These players began playing online and eventually moved on to live tournaments where they could make a lot of money. In some cases, they could even drop out of school and pursue poker full-time.

Professional Poker Players Make Money in Many Different Ways

You might think they only make money from tournaments and cash games. But that’s not always the case. Professional players can make money from sponsorship deals, coaching, consulting, writing books, and even creating training videos. Some of them have also been able to get jobs with online poker companies or become ambassadors to promote the game. These opportunities provide additional income streams, allowing them to make much more money than just playing in tournaments.

They Never Chase Unprofitable Draws

But most importantly, what sets a huge difference between amateur players and professional poker players is that they never chase unprofitable draws. This means they don’t call bets on hands with a very low chance of winning. Instead, they can accurately assess the situation and make decisions based on their experience and knowledge. This is one of the key reasons why professional poker players are so successful in the game.

They Don’t Always Focus on Winning

playersQuite the contrary, many professional players focus more on learning and improving their game rather than just trying to win. They understand that losing is part of the game and use it to improve their strategy. This allows them to continue playing smarter and making better decisions which, in turn, leads to more success in the long run. Not only that, but it also helps them stay motivated and continue to strive for excellence.

By understanding the facts discussed in this article, you can gain a better insight into the world of professional poker players. While the life of a professional poker player may seem glamorous and exciting, it also takes a lot of hard work and dedication to become successful. However, if you are willing to put in the time and effort, you can make a living from playing this game. So go ahead and give it a try – who knows, you might be the next professional poker player in the making.

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